Room Commands
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Below are all commands that operate on rooms.
Align the selected rooms' vertices to the selected lines/polylines if the room vertices lie within the specified Alignment Distance.
Using the Snap Vertices
option will perform an additional operation that snaps the vertices to line/polyline vertices after the initial alignment operation is complete.
This command is primarily used for fixing misalignments between rooms, which are common in raw exports from Revit. It is also useful for adjusting the exterior boundary around entire stories, enabling you to align rooms to the inside or outside wall finish instead of using the wall centerline as is typical when exporting Revit rooms. See the Create Boundary command for more information.
This command is only visible when at least one room and one alignment line/polyline are selected.
Automatically align selected rooms to common axes identified across them. The command is intended to automatically perform most of the alignments that would typically be done manually. Note that having a line selected while running this command will force the generated alignment axes to be generated only in the plane of that line.
Join coplanar walls of the room, effectively removing colinear vertices from the room polygon. Use this command to simplify the geometry and clean up the model before running 'solve adjacency' or 'alignment' commands.
Pull the vertices of one or more rooms to the first 'target' room in the selection. The operation of pulling can be thought of as aligning the rooms to the target room's segments and then snapping to its vertices.
Using the Coordinate Vertices
option will run an additional operation to adjust the number of vertices in the rooms that were pulled. This can result in better matching of segments between the rooms like so:
Remove the holes inside the room that are smaller than a certain specified Area Threshold. Use this command to remove column and duct holes from inside rooms.
Remove the segments of the room polygon that are smaller than a certain specified Segment Distance. Use this command to remove column holes and other unwanted small segments at the edges of the rooms.
Simplify and reduce the number of vertices defining curved edges of rooms.
Snap the selected rooms to a cartesian grid defined by a Grid Increment distance, which sets the resolution of the grid. This command is useful for IES VE modelers who need geometry on a grid for ease of edit-ability.
Subtract one room from another room. Useful for resolving colliding room geometries.
The first room of the selection is the room to be subtracted from and all following rooms in the selection will be used for subtraction.
Offset all windows and/or skylights by a certain distance. This is useful for translating between interfaces that expect the window frame to be included within or excluded from the geometry.
Fix the windows of the rooms by merging the colliding windows and trimming those that extend past the parent Face. The Rectangle option can be used to further simplify non-rectangular windows into rectangular shapes
This command is intended to fix such issues while being faithful to the original window geometry. It trims windows that extend past their parent face and merges overlapping windows by either boolean-unioning them or replacing them with a rectangle around the group (if the Rectangle
option is selected).
For intentionally simplifying the window geometry for either simulation speed or overall model cleanliness, see the "Simplify windows" command.
Simplify the windows and skylights of a room for either simulation speed or overall model cleanliness.
Note that this command is not intended to fix invalid or un-simulate-able windows and the "Repair windows" command should be used for these purposes.
Fill holes and gaps across the selected rooms with new rooms (or existing rooms that are adjacent to each hole).
Merge small rooms in the selection into the larger adjacent rooms. Small rooms are always merged into the adjacent large room with which they share the most perimeter.
Merge several rooms into a single room. Setting a Merge Distance that is larger than 0 will allow you to merge rooms that have gaps in between them - crossing gaps up to the specified distance.
Useful for cases where multiple rooms in a Revit model should be represented as a single zone in the energy model.
Split rooms or roofs by the selected lines/polylines.
Create core and perimeter rooms for a selected room. This is particularly useful for creating models according to typical zoning practices, where each façade orientation is a separate zone.
The perimeter rooms will have a depth equal to the specified Offset Distance
and the Air Boundary
option lets you optionally set the boundaries between the core and perimeter rooms to an air boundary if the room being split represents an open space. It is recommended that the "Join coplanar faces" command be run before using this command.
Split the selected rooms vertically if they are tall enough to cross multiple stories in the model.
Set the adjacencies between the selected rooms to use air boundaries. Note that adjacencies should be solved between rooms before running this method in order for it to have any effect. If lines are selected while running this command, they will be used to set air boundaries for only the adjacencies that are coincident with those lines.
Solve adjacency between selected rooms by assigning interior boundary conditions where rooms touch one another.
You can optionally turn off the Ceiling Adjacency
if you are planing to export to a platform with it's own adjacency-solving routine (eg. IES-VE) or you are primarily interested in simulating each Story as a distinct unit with adiabatic floors and ceilings. This command will only be visible when more than one room is selected.
Create polyline boundaries around a selection of rooms. The command can return polylines for either the exterior border around the rooms or just the holes (or both).
You can use the generated borders for aligning the existing rooms or creating new rooms. See the line commands for the full list of the available commands.
Generate suggested alignment axes for rooms using a selected line to specify the alignment direction. All generated axes will be parallel to the selected line and will fall along the common axes of the selected rooms.
Show the selected rooms and shades in 3D. The preview shows up in a new floating window.
Identify gaps smaller than a specified gap distance. Such gaps typically do not make the model invalid or un-simulate-able but they can create cases where adjacency solving fails to set interior boundary conditions where they likely should be. Small gaps can also result in sliver geometries for floors/ceilings in the case the ceiling adjacencies are solved.
Check whether the selected rooms are valid/simulate-able. Valid models should export to any of the supported BEM engines without errors. Invalid models will have their errors presented in a table with the option to select the part of the model where the error originates so that it can be fixed.